
Today’s prompt for The August Break was green. I had an interesting time with green. I feel similarly about the color cast in these pictures as I did to yellow… too much green can ruin a picture. I’ve also brought you many green pictures ( I went through them to see if I could get…


Today’s prompt for The August Break was yellow As I was editing my photographs today, I realized that generally, I don’t like yellow in pictures. I spend a lot of time trying to get yellow OUT of my pictures. Before camera (BC) I had no idea how white balance could affect a picture. After camera…


Today’s prompt for The August Break was handwriting. So, I am about to reveal a secret, that I’m very proud of. If you’ve written me a card… ever… chances are, I still have it. When you send me a card, I keep it. I keep every sentiment and last word, every Valentine’s day card, or…

Yay! Someone Made a Photo Challenge for August!

Thanks to Susannah Conway, I have decided to participate in her photo/blog proposal for the month of August. To break up the August monotony (and we are REALLY FEELING IT in our house… my husband thinks it is too hot to do anything, and he’s not wrong) she suggested a posting and discussing a photo…

Micro and Macro on the Range

Sorry it has been so long since I last posted. We remodeled our house. My work began to pick up, and did not just gain momentum… it achieved critical velocity. My family came to visit. Life happened. But today, I took a walk through the prairie, and I thought… This begs to be shared. We…

The Language of Cats

The introductions have begun. Unintentionally, actually. Here’s how the morning went down. The house was quiet. Early morning sunlight filtered in, gently disturbing the shadows as they lazily slunk into their quiet hiding places, hibernating as they waited for the short summer night to come. I gathered my things for work, methodically plodding through the…

Musings From the Garden

It’s been really hot out. I can’t quite say if the heat is seasonal or not… between the bombastic reports of the weather people (suddenly a regular thunderstorm is cause for alarm?) and the undeniable effects of climate change, I’m not sure what to call normal any more. And, I’m sure that this is the…

New Babies :)

You guys. We got a new kitten. And not just any kitten. She’s a munchkin kitten. Formally known as Napoleon or Minuet kittens, the tiny-legged kitties have a natural genetic deformity (I have been assured that this makes a difference, in opposition to being bred for the short legs over time) that makes them freakishly…

Home Sweet Home

Ahhhh. Home. I love this home. I love my dogs And cat (who refused to pose for a photo) And the plethora of plants that have grown in our absence There’s just something about coming back to the place that is yours. We’re still hurting and coughing, but at least we can do it in…

Home, please.

No photos were taken today… these are from other times in the trip. Husband threw his back out early this morning… hours of pain and a $230 chiropractor visit later, we just want to get out of here. I miss these guys And I am done with this island that is trying to destroy us….

Ready For Home

Wow. No post yesterday guys… I was out of commission. I hadn’t been that sick in YEARS. Being sick on vacation is the worst. Which brings me on my topic for today. This is a gorgeous island. But, as I’m going through the “Oh I NEED to get a picture of that before I leave”…

When Roosters Cry: Pt. 2

I’m definitely getting sicker. At this point, I’m actually not even that happy to be on vacation. I want to be at home, in my own house, with my own doctor to zip out to if I need them. However, we did go on a journey yesterday… and found Prince’s house. In the daytime. YES….