Micro and Macro on the Range

Sorry it has been so long since I last posted.

We remodeled our house. My work began to pick up, and did not just gain momentum… it achieved critical velocity. My family came to visit. Life happened.

But today, I took a walk through the prairie, and I thought… This begs to be shared.

We woke up extremely early on a Saturday (but at a relatively normal time, all things considered) to go meet my grandparents, then trundled on up to the Pawnee National Grasslands. My grandpa and husband needed to shoot some guns for future hunting purposes, and my Nana and I were there to enjoy the prairie summer morning.


Here’s something everyone notices about prairies: they are vast. They are continuous, and they seem to be inescapably dull for miles in either direction.


I am guilty of prairie-discrimination. However, I learned today that this is because one cannot simply drive through the prairie to appreciate its beauty. One must examine every inch.

After walking a short ways, I stopped to examine a primrose, and I discovered so many small insects inside. From then on, every five feet, I stopped to examine the flowers, and discovered them teeming with creatures, each one a tiny metropolis of insect life, repeated for thousands of miles.


Even the once drab color palate exploded, as spiders and grasshoppers revealed up close their veritable rainbow of hues, and the tiniest of flowers revealed multi-tonal splendor.

I gained a new appreciation for the prairie today, and a slightly corny life lesson extrapolated from my explorations. Life can be vast and overwhelming.. so get close to see the amazing things it is made of.

PS. I also shot a gun. A large one that my husband claims many people hesitate to shoot. I still don’t get the “cool factor”, but…Look at that, you can be a bleeding heart liberal AND mingle with gun-toting folks. Imagine.

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