Rain and Not Ruining Vacations

I have considered the fact that my husband might be a rain/snow god.

When we lived in DC, we had not one, but TWO snowpocalypses.

When we lived in Georgia, there was an intensely long rainy streak (I was so overwhelmed I don’t remember if it had any significance other than making me miserable)

When we moved to Colorado, we were almost instantly greeted by a 500 year flood.

Colorado has had normal snowpack for every year we’ve lived there as a couple. When I was growing up, it was a drought… every year.

When he goes hunting, he experiences unbelievable downpours. For months at at time.

Last year on vacation, we weathered a tropical storm.

This year we had two good days of weather, and now everyone on the island is talking about how unusual the weather is being.


It’s possible we need to invest in trip insurance from now on.

But, when life gives you lemons… take pictures of it and hope they’re artsy as hell.

We also spent some time at a “local” restaurant, that we were assured would have the best party scene on a Wednesday night, but judging by the busloads of tourists from hotels and the distinct lack of locals, that was definitely not the case.

We did buy some conch shells though. Cross my fingers that they were ethically harvested, but I don’t think I should investigate that further. I think that when life is as tough as it seems for the native islanders around here, any conch shell to sell to a tourist is ethical. You just have to choose which ethics you’re adhering to. I chose humans over sea life today, I think.


They also cooked the conch here, which was delicious, but looking out on the boneyard of conch shells, my suspicions about the tourist trap were confirmed.

Sure made the seagulls happy though. They didn’t care where the bits of tasty conch appeared from.

Everyone’s lemons are someone else’s lemonade.

Which is, of course, my last grumbling comment about the rain. Being married to a rain god just means you learn to buy trip insurance, and make the sunny days last even more.

We need more rain. And lemons can be beautiful for photos as well.

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